Full Name Mobile Number Email Date of Birth(dd/mm/yyyy) Address My CricketID Name the Club previously played.(If any.) Details of any current suspensions.(If any.) Have you played Club or League Cricket in Australia?YesNoDon't Know Please select the correct shirt type. Full SleeveHalf Sleeve Please select the correct shirt size. XSSMLXLXXL3XL4XL Please select the correct pant size. XSSMLXLXXL3XL4XL Please provide the name that you require printed on the back of the shirt. Please provide the Number that you require printed on the back of the shirt. The registration fee is $250. This will include a UWSC branded playing Shirt Pant and Cap**. A $10/Match fee also applies for every game played this will be due on or before the day of the game**. Account Name : United Wyndham Sports Club BSB : 063-870 Account Number : 1033 8346 Please mention your name in the reference field during the transfer. Upload Payment Receipt